crude dynamics
and the power
of the riff

Since their inception in late 2011, Nordic heavy noise rockers Barren Womb have been raising hell with their minimalistic approach, earsplitting volume and defiant experimentation. The duo make efficient use of crude dynamics and the power of the riff to hammer their point across. 

Barren Womb is a bombastic slab of modern noise rock in the vein of Daughters, Metz and Viagra Boys. They have played hundreds of shows in the US and Europe so far, sharing stages with among others Entombed A.D., Voivod, Conan, Nomeansno and Årabrot, and have played festivals like SXSW, by:Larm, Tallinn Music Week, Øya and Pstereo.

Travelling party: 2
Travelling from Trondheim, NO