Deep Cross is an experimental duo from Austin, Texas. Since 2016, they have explored negative spaces between post-punk, industrial, doom, sludge, psych and drone to create a musical language that is quaquaversal in approach.
Born out of a mutual draw towards obscure electronics and heavy sounds, Jason Joachim and Michael Cockrell set out with the intent to create music with no regard to the limitations of genre while still producing a unique musical code.
Synth and tape drone compositions started changing into more easily recognizable song structures. From there, the idea was to fill a gap between some of the more obscure sounds of outsider electronics and the more ear catching, beat-driven, lyrically fueled qualities of the aforementioned styles in which they find interest.
Hazy yet teeth bearing guitars and bass began to find their way alongside tape loops and a variety of crafted samples, and the locked meters of pummeling drum machines found the bands love for various forms of EBM represented amongst the mix. The amalgamation of these elements became even more unique to them by both members leaning into their independently unique vocal deliveries. With an ever-changing approach to these particular elements, Deep Cross have managed to peer into a window of possibility and retain snapshots of avenues uncommon to more definable forms of music.
As songwriters, Deep Cross view their role as being agents of change whether it is them as an ever-evolving entity or enacting on the ability to do what artists essentially do, change perspectives via their craft.Their primary mode is to follow a feel and a flow. To not fall for the trappings of genre or biased identity markers, but to instead let intuition guide them for the sake of the work at hand.
Travelling party: 2
Travelling from Austin, TX, USA
Territory: Europe